Meet the Host
Károli Gáspár University
The Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary is a young institution with a long tradition. The university was established in its present form in 1993; however, its legal predecessors date back to 1839 and 1855. It is founded on the traditions of Reformed education, yet the university is open to professional innovation. Our nearly 8000 students can conduct their studies at five faculties which are the following: Faculty of Law, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Faculty of Theology, Faculty of Economics, Health Sciences and Social Studies and Faculty of Pedagogy.
Between 24 February and 1 October 2023, the University is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its re-establishment after the change of regime. The events of the jubilee year include conferences, the publication of a jubilee volume, and various other programmes commemorating not only the past three decades, but also the preceding period of Reformed higher education as well as the spirit and mission leading up to the establishment of the university.
Faculty of Law
Even though the Faculty of Law of the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary is the youngest institution of the Hungarian higher education in the field of law, it is a worthy successor of the significant historic law schools. The Faculty began its operation in 1998, as the successor of the Reformed Law Academy in Kecskemét, which was founded in 1831. Adapting to the changes and expectations of the society and labour market, the Faculty of Law created a new type of legal training with a fundamentally new approach. As a result, greater attention is paid to the instruction of legal aspects of the private sector, and since 2010 economic courses have been added to our course offer as well.
Event Organising Team – The Department of Labour Law and Social Security
The Department of Labour Law and Social Security is a small, but dedicated team of labour and social law experts. The Department is responsible for the main courses of labour law and social security law, and for various optional courses, such as health care law, transnational labour law, CSR etc. The Department is involved in the teaching of both law students and students in other related study programmes (such as HR-management, Erasmus students etc.).
In the field of research, the Department of Labour Law and Social Security covers the whole range of Hungarian, European and international/transnational, individual and collective labour law, as well as social security law. Typical of the Department is its strong focus on the study of European, international and comparative labour law and social security law. Also typical of the Department is its strong and ongoing collaboration with national and international partners.
Prof. Dr. Attila Sándor KUN, PhD - Head of department
Prof. Dr. Olivér Árpád HOMICSKÓ - Deputy head of department
Dr. Ildikó RÁCZ-ANTAL - Senior Lecturer
Dr. Imre Szilárd SZABÓ - Senior Lecturer